Sunday, December 14, 2008

Editor Driven Stories

I wish the editors would take some responsibility for the plot, when they hand down plot points which you have to use and incorporate into your stories. They take the authority for the plot, but don't take the responsibility. What do I mean by that? No matter how often they hand down things that you have to do with any given comics story, it's your name listed in the credits as the writer. You get the blame for everything in the story, including those plot decrees imposed from above. In Robin I took a lot of the blame for killing off Spoiler. In Batman I took the lion's share of the blame for making that doctor whatshername decide to snuff Spoiler. In both of those cases those were decisions made by the editors and other high mucky mucks in the company. In Shadowpact I took the blame for the mess in the very first issue with the impossible (according to events in other contemporaneous books) appearance of Superman, which was actually a screw-up imposed by the editors in trying to fix one of their other screw-ups. But in all of these cases, and too many more to list, the editors have never come forward and said, "Sorry, that was my mistake."
The editors often take authority but never take responsibility.
End of rant.
Now, in order not to make this a gripe session about everything that's wrong with comics, let me change the subject -- or change the subject back to what we started with. Bill, in Sidechicks, which is an online comic, what informs your decisions there on how long or how short to make a given story? Space isn't a problem, since you aren't paying for the printing and shipping. What is of concern in that case?

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